
What are typical HyperAutomation use cases and benefits for organizations?

As we have seen, HyperAutomation (HA) is becoming an important strategic trend for organizations seeking to rapidly identify and automate the latest possible number of business processes to drive efficiency, agility and productivity.

The HA label, as identified by Gartner, brings together a range of AI and automation technologies – and, most importantly, a determination to break away from a siloed approach to address multiple labour-intensive workflows holistically.

Typical use case applications for Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) technologies can be found in both front and back office processes of organizations of any size in any industry, including Public Administration.

Some typical use cases include the following:
  • Banking and Insurance customer onboarding operations that require the reading of ID documents, financial documents and income statements.
  • File verification and validation in Public Administration, requiring data extraction from very large and varied sets of documents.
    In the field of legal contract management, support for terms and clauses interpretation and verification.
  • Automated reading and classification of contents from regulatory compliance reports for Risk Management and Internal Audit purposes.
  • Automating procurement and sales operations processes, like reading and extracting data from orders, payments, contracts, invoices and bills, is becoming an increasingly common practice.
Some even more advanced use case scenarios include:
  • Automated documents and images processing for insurance claims management.
  • Automated data collection from balance sheets, notes to balance sheets, business plans and financial statements for credit scoring purposes in the mortgage and lending management process.
  • Automating ESG (Environmental Social & Governance) company profiling, based on the information and data extracted from multiple sources, like annual reports, sustainability reports, websites, news, etc.
  • Supporting NPL (Non-Performing Loan) and UTP (Unlikely To Pay) portfolio evaluation, by automating data extraction and collection from complex documents for the effective assessment of distressed credit.
  • Automated reading of medical records and clinical trial results for patient management and new drugs development in the Healthcare and Pharma industries

Typically, the end-goal of these applications is to drastically reduce the manual work time required to read and interpret documents, to cut down data entry operations and to enable automatic verification procedures in support of sophisticated operational and decision-making processes.

A comprehensive IDP solution such as the Altilia Intelligent Automation™ platform can bring important advantages both in terms of efficiency and cost reduction, leading to end results often exceeding a 100% ROI, based on the total costs of ownership.

This is possible as an organization gains the ability to:
  • Speed-up business processes by up to 10 times.
  • Upscale document processing capabilities, according to real data volumes and business needs.
  • Reduce manual errors and oversights.
  • Drastically reduce the manual work (often by more than 80%).
  • Improve employee satisfaction, by reducing the time spent on tedious and repetitive manual tasks (like data entry, document reading and inspection).
  • Improve customer satisfaction as processes are handheld more quickly and accurately.
  • Increase overall margins, as the improved access to data and information allows business leaders to make more informed and timely decisions.

For Altilia’s customers, an IDP platform represents a strategic investment to meet all their HA needs arising over time, allowing them to both scale up existing use cases to meet increasing business demand, as well as creating and deploying new domain-specific use cases with a unified approach.

To learn more and have a chat with Altilia’s automation experts, contact us here.


What is HyperAutomation?

HyperAutomation (HA) has been identified as one of the key strategic evolving trends in the IT industry over the next few years by the leading technology research and consultancy company Gartner.

HA is described as an integrated and interdisciplinary approach for enterprises to rapidly identify and automate the largest possible number of business processes.

With organizations facing the pressures of increased global competition and economic downturn, the need to automate more and more business processes to improve cost efficiency, agility and productivity is increasing exponentially.

Gartner estimates that by 2024, diffuse HA spending will drive up the total cost of ownership 40-fold, making adaptive governance a differentiating factor in corporate performance.

New Solutions

Investing in new solutions based on HyperAutomation approaches is rapidly becoming a critical business need for organizations across any industry.

Another important driver for HA is the increasing effort of enterprises to accelerate their “digital transition” in order to offer their customers faster transactions through digital touchpoints and services.

In this perspective, any standardized quality process within any organization can become eligible for automation.

In Gartner’s latest trends guidance, they describe HA as “a business-driven approach to identify, vet and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. It requires the orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools and platforms, including Robotic Process Automation, low-code platforms and process mining tools”.

HA solutions can generate the most disruptive and notable results when applied to highly complex business processes, that normally require human cognitive capabilities to extract data, understand and interpret information and concepts contained within large sets of unstructured sources (like Web pages, News feeds, Emails) or enterprise applications like ERP, CRM and ECM systems.

Highly Valuable Assets

These sources contain highly valuable assets in the form of unstructured information of difficult fruition, since datapoints are buried within texts and documents of variable layout and format (PDF, HTML, DOC, SLX, ecc.), images, audio and video files.

In this context it is necessary to utilize unstructured data processing tools and sophisticated AI capabilities to read the contents from these sources, interpret them, extract target data, and automate tasks or even entire business processes.

This requires the integration and orchestration, in a unified platform or software ecosystem, of several different automation tools and technologies, such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a composite/hybrid approach;
  • Machine Learning (ML);
  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR);
  • Event Driven Architecture (EDA) / Microservices-based architecture (MA);
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA);
  • Business Process Management (BPM) and workflow-based Intelligent Business Process Management Suites (iBPMS);
  • Integrated Platform as a Service (iPaaS) for managing DevOps, AI/MLOps;
  • Low-code/no-code development methods.

In the past, companies have approached these problems by developing multiple automation projects, based on existing software solutions or algorithms, specifically designed to solve each problem in the organization individually.

This approach ultimately proved to be unviable in most cases, due to high design and implementation costs, low scalability and, ultimately, low ROI.

On the contrary, companies are increasingly experimenting and implementing solutions based on Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and Intelligent Process Automation (IPA).

These kinds of solutions provide integrated platforms and workflows to simplify the transfer of domain-specific knowledge owned by business users into automation algorithms.

Key Features

Additionally, the best IDP solutions can provide the key features needed to overcome the costs and scalability limits of individual automation projects, such as:

  • No-code user interfaces that provide an intuitive way to train algorithms.
  • Composite AI approaches, combining several different technologies and methods like computer vision, natural language processing, rule-based classifiers, symbolic knowledge representation and semantic indexing.
  • Pre-built templates to simplify the configuration of data ingestion and processing workflows.
  • Human-In-The-Loop AI approaches supported by intuitive interfaces to let users review and validate results and support continuous learning.
  • Dynamic resource allocation to scale the infrastructure depending on actual computational needs.
  • Cloud native infrastructures to allow customers to utilize GUI, APIs and services in SaaS mode, while also maintaining the option to deploy on premise when needed.

The Altilia Intelligent Automation™ platform is built to offer all these kinds of strategic features, positioning itself as the top-end solution for enabling the automation of document intensive processes, even when data comes from complex and unstructured sources.

Its adoption allows customers to reap substantial benefits in terms of manual work reduction (by up 80%), cut down costs substantially and speed-up business processes by up to 10 times, while also improving their accuracy and effectiveness.

For more information on how Altilia can help you transform your business, contact us here .


Key Capabilities for Intelligent Document Processing Platforms

There is a growing buzz about the transformative data opportunities that Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) can bring to businesses.

Gartner report that the IDP market is growing more than 100% a year and is projected to reach $5.4 billion in 2024 with enterprises realising cost efficiencies and dramatically improved processing capabilities.

Defining the IDP market, in its first report specifically focused on Intelligent Data Processing solutions, Gartner states that: “Intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions extract data to support automation of high-volume, repetitive document processing tasks and for analysis and insight.

“IDP uses natural language technologies and computer vision to extract data from structured and unstructured content, especially from documents, to support automation and augmentation”.

Easily adapted

IDP platforms are therefore distinct from other document processing products in that they enable the processing of documents created exclusively for humans, as well as those for machines; they can adapt — or be easily adapted — to formats not previously processed; and they extract data in various models.

“As such, organizations can transfer document processing work currently done by people and other machines (where automation is the goal) to IDPs”.

Enterprises and SMEs from industry sectors such as banking, insurance, retail, utilities and securities are in prime position to benefit from “significantly reduced processing time for documents and reduced errors from manual processing”.

Altilia is at the forefront of this movement to transform data processing providing the groundbreaking capabilities required to address new use cases and customer needs that require more functional depth and better user experience.

Critical Capabilities

Here are some of the critical capabilities that an IDP platform needs to be successful – and how Altilia technology supports its clients:

No-code/low-code easy to manage solution

  • An IDP platform needs to be designed for a business user to easily manage the system without the need for expensive IT department support.
  • Stakeholders from across your organization should be able to build and easily customize AI skills and workflow templates in order to streamline business specific functions.
  • Advanced security and user profiling processes, protecting information and ensuring that the right access and authentication is in place and no risk of data spills or breaches.

End-to-end document processing capabilities

  • Ability to apply a selection of pre-trained AI models, skills and packages.
  • Availability of a dedicated UI for document ingestion and document labelling.
  • Ability to fine-tune and customize AI models and skills with a simplified UI for document labelling and annotation.
  • A seamless experience to process documents and train AI models, as opposed to managing different data, sources and processes in separated ‘silos’.

Data extraction and classification from any type of document and format

  • Everything from pdfs to Word or Excel and handwritten or natural language documents can be analysed. And even faxes where they are still in use.
  • Items such as charts or signatures, which are designed to be read by humans, can be examined and the key data extracted, reducing manual time and errors.
  • Ability to process and extract data from long or complex documents with multiple non-standardized layouts (eg. Annual reports, financial statements, sustainability reports).
  • Continuous learning and human feedback when needed
  • The platform is able to learn and optimize AI models over time to improve performance and accuracy.
  • The platform provides Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) review workflows to take advantage of human feedback when needed to eliminate errors and improve accuracy.

Embedded decision intelligence capabilities

  • Ability to enrich documents with all the information extracted by AI models, to get the maximum value from unstructured data.
  • Keyword and semantic search engine capabilities to discover action insights ‘buried in’ long complex documents.

Advanced document-intensive process automation capabilities

  • Availability of hybrid AI methods to automate tasks that require human-level precision.
  • Capability to eliminate manual, error-prone and often repetitive tasks to reduce costs, improve process efficiency and trigger error-free responses.
  • Ability to compare extractions from one document to another, looking for deviations and similarities in order to process actions such as mortgage applications where data comes from different sources.


  • Alitalia’s platform can eliminate the pain of interoperability issues and plug in to the customers digital ecosystem and work with other business applications – without the need for costly engineering integration work.
  • Uses extensive set of connectors to exchange data and interact with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Content Management System (CMS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications.
  • Feed 3rd party Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Business Intelligence (BI) applications with metadata to enhance their capabilities.

Cloud-Ready Solution

  • The shift to the cloud brings huge advantages in computing capability and flexibility and Altilia’s platform works seamlessly in cloud environments.
  • Our SaaS solution offers SMEs the same performance as for large Enterprises and ensure that time-consuming processes can be handled in an automated way.
  • Capability to run workflows without the need to develop complex AI Ops or hire qualified IT experts.

Altilia Intelligent Automation provides all of the key capabilities required for an IDP platform and continues to develop features and benefits rapidly with its top-level team of scientists and engineers.

In upcoming articles, we will go deeper on the key capabilities required and demonstrate how Altilia’s IDP platform can transform your organization.

For more information on how we can support you, contact Altilia here.


Altilia mentioned in 2022 Gartner® Market Guide on Intelligent Document Processing

Rende/Milan, July 25th, 2022. Altilia, the Italian deep-tech company has been included in the first Gartner® Market Guide report on Intelligent Document Processing, published in February 2022 (1).

Altilia Intelligent Automation™ has been included among other representative vendor’s solutions. In another 2021 Gartner report (2) Altilia was listed among the representative IDP software provider among other companies competing in a fast-growing market.

In that same report, outlining the IDP competitive landscape, Gartner underlined the role of Unstructured data specialists.

These are new providers in the IDP space, mostly sprung up in the last five years or so. They are usually venture capital (VC)-funded companies. Their key value proposition is that they have an AI-led approach to focus primarily on semistructured and unstructured data (often a strong focus on handwritten documents) that is their core value proposition. They mostly partner for OCR engines”. (2)

Defining the IDP market, in its first report specifically focused on Intelligent Document Processing solutions Gartner states that;

Intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions extract data to support automation of high-volume, repetitive document processing tasks and for analysis and insight. IDP uses natural language technologies and computer vision to extract data from structured and unstructured content, especially from documents, to support automation and augmentation”.(1)

According to this Gartner’s February 2022 report, Altilia currently mostly serves industries : “Banking, insurance, utilities, retail, securities” and list most commonly process documents for Altilia: “Annual/sustainability/interim/financial reports, balance sheets, Invoices, orders, Social media posts, news, bank statements, paychecks

Gartner lists ‘Establishing a Marketplace as a Viable Channel in Their Go-to- Market’ as one of the competitive trends about IDP Competitive Landscape

The report observes “early signs of establishing the marketplace as a channel as part of the go-to-market (GTM) approach of the IDP vendors”.(2)

Altilia is among a small numbers of vendors developing their own marketplaces.

This means transitioning from the traditional approach (bespoke project with project and implementation times and costs) to a ‘out of the box’ approach with bundled solutions ready to use.

Altilia’s team of 40 Scientists, Engineers, Innovators, Growth Hackers are building a no-code SaaS platform, that democratizes the adoption of AI, hyperautomation and decision intelligence for large corporations and SMEs in Finance and a number of other industries. This platform will be available also as a tool from the website and will be exploitable from day 1 with a minimum of training without any knowledge of AI.


1. Gartner “Market Guide for Intelligent Document Processing Solutions” Shubhangi Vashisth, Anthony Mullen, Stephen Emmott, Alejandra Lozada, February 2022

2. Gartner, “Competitive Landscape: Intelligent Document Processing Platform Providers,” Arup Roy, Arthur Villa, Cathy Tornbohm, Soyeb Barot, November 8, 2021.

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