How generative AI is revolutionising business + 7 prompts to streamline your daily work

By altilia on May 6, 2024

Imagine a tool that can create almost anything you ask it to: text, images, music and even programming code. Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged not just as a concept, but as a transformative force in the business landscape.


What is Generative AI and why is it so special?

Generative AI acts like a super-assistant that doesn’t just perform tasks but does so with a note of creativity. It’s an innovation that creates content, designs and solutions, effectively turning ideas into reality with little more than a prompt.

What sets Generative AI (GenAI) apart is its ability to be a super-assistant in support of human creativity. Unlike traditional AI, which might suggest the next logical data point in a series, Generative AI could imagine an entirely new series. This is because GenAI works by understanding and replicating the complex patterns that make up human-like creations, from artwork to prose. For example, if you ask it to write a poem in the style of Shakespeare, it doesn’t just find existing poems; it generates a new poem that feels like it could have been written by the Bard himself.

In business, this means that Generative AI doesn’t just optimise existing processes; It’s an invaluable tool for streamlining complex tasks and problem solving, unlocking the ability to explore countless scenarios and variations that a human alone could never conceive.


Why AI is a Game-Changer for Businesses?

Generative AI is transforming business operations by streamlining tasks and reducing costs. It simplifies knowledge management by using AI to quickly answer employee questions and retrieve information. It automates document creation by using templates to generate contracts and reports with less effort. AI also improves data entry by extracting information from documents and populating databases more accurately and quickly. These improvements enable organisations to do more with fewer resources and less time.


The Value Potential

The figures are staggering—generative AI could add between $2.6 and $4.4 trillion to the global economy annually. That’s more than the GDP of many countries, and as GenAI technology advances, its impact is set to increase (source: McKinsey 2023)


Which Areas Will Benefit?

GenAI will significantly advance areas like finance, procurement, HR, legal, and customer service. It will also boost data analysis, business intelligence, and office support. These areas, often heavy with documents, will benefit. The solutions offered by Altilia, for example, automate tedious tasks, thereby increasing efficiency. The impact will also be felt across sectors, from banking to technology to healthcare.


AI helps complete tasks without replacing jobs

GenAI doesn’t replace jobs. It transforms and enhances them. In fact, AI is really powerful when it performs specific tasks, not entire jobs. At Altilia, we believe that AI can enhance the skills of workers. This is especially true for knowledge workers. It also increases the quality of work and productivity. AI targets repetitive, low-value manual tasks. These tasks provide little value to the organisation. Altilia’s solutions aim to empower employees by streamlining repetitive document-based processing tasks. They free employees from tedious tasks. This leaves more time for creative and social activities.


Looking Ahead

The rapid changes brought by GenAI are part of the larger evolution of our world. Companies’ adept at leveraging this technology could gain a considerable edge. However, there are challenges to be addressed, like ensuring responsible AI use and preparing people for the changes it will bring.

Generative AI is opening a realm of possibilities for companies, making it easier to accomplish tasks that were once time-consuming or even impossible. With every technological advancement comes challenges, but the potential to enhance how we work and live is immense.


7 Prompts to Streamline Work with AI

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional environments, the role of Generative AI (GenAI) is becoming increasingly integral. From automating dull tasks to fostering creativity, GenAI is not just a futuristic concept but a present reality enhancing our working life. Here’s a closer look at the practical applications of GenAI that are transforming businesses today, exemplifying its versatility and power across various domains:

– Content Creation and Enhancement: GenAI can draft text in any desired style and length.

Example prompt:Generate a blog post draft on the impact of interest rate hikes on the real estate market, including key statistics and industry expert quotes.


– Query Resolution in Business Operations: Find precise answers to specific business questions.

Example prompt: “Explain the recent amendments to HR policies regarding hybrid work environments and their implications for employees.”


– Communication Tone Adjustment: Tailor the tone of workplace communications to fit the intended audience.

Example prompt: “Revise this performance review email feedback to make it more constructive and motivating, focusing on growth and development opportunities.


– Information Summarization: Distil complex documents into easy-to-digest formats.

Example prompt: “Summarise the annual financial report into a concise executive summary for the upcoming board meeting, highlighting the five most significant financial KPIs using bullet points.”


– Complex Information Simplification: Break down intricate documents for broader accessibility.

Example prompt: “Simplify the complex legal terms in our customer service agreements for non-specialist comprehension, and include a section with bullet points summarising the most common questions about our customer service.”


– Customer Feedback Analysis: Analyse customer interactions for service improvements.

Example prompt: “Analyse and classify the latest batch of customer service tickets into categories of complaint types, and identify the top three areas for service enhancement.


– Software Coding: Generate, translate, and verify code.

Example prompt: “I need a spending tracker app prototype. Can you generate a basic code that works on both iOS and Android using natural language descriptions?


Emerging Applications:

As Generative AI (GenAI) continues to evolve, it’s opening the door to a host of new and compelling applications. These emerging technologies harness the creative power of GenAI to address complex problems and organise unstructured data. A few of the most promising and impactful applications of GenAI for businesses are:

  • Intelligent Document Processing (IDP): This involves using AI to read and understand documents. Imagine you have a huge pile of Complex documents like contracts, financial statements, reports as well. IDP acts like a super-smart assistant that can quickly sift through all these documents, figure out what’s important, and even extract the specific information you need. For example, it can help a bank process loan applications faster by automatically extracting applicant details, saving hours of manual work.
  • Intelligent Process Automation (IPA): This takes the idea of robotic process automation (RPA) a step further. Initially, RPA was like teaching a robot to do repetitive tasks, such as entering data into a system. But IPA adds a layer of intelligence to these robots. Now they can not only perform tasks, but also make intelligent decisions based on the data they encounter. For example, an IPA system can automatically handle customer service requests by understanding the customer’s problem and either solving it directly or routing it to the right department.
  • Managing unstructured data: This is about organising and understanding data that doesn’t fit neatly into tables or databases – think of it as the messy, handwritten notes scattered across your desk. Most of the information we deal with every day, from emails and PDF documents to images and videos, is unstructured. Managing this type of data means using tools and technologies to sift through the clutter, identify the important information and organise it in a way that makes sense for future use. Consider a scenario where a lawyer needs to find specific evidence in thousands of pages of legal documents. Unstructured data management tools can help by quickly finding relevant information and organising it in an easily accessible way, saving hours of manual searching.


To Conclude:

In conclusion, Generative AI represents not just a leap forward in technological capabilities, but a transformative shift in how businesses operate, innovate, and compete. As we navigate this exciting landscape, the potential for GenAI to redefine roles, streamline processes, and unlock new realms of creativity is unparalleled. Whether it’s improving customer interactions, streamlining document management, or process automation, the implications for efficiency, productivity, and innovation are vast.

However, harnessing the full power of GenAI requires more than just technology; it demands expertise and vision to integrate these capabilities into the business strategy effectively.

If you’re eager to find a solution for your business to streamline processes, reduce the time spent on tasks, and drive growth, we’re here to guide you through every step. Book a free consultation with an Altilia expert today, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together, unlocking the potential of GenAI to propel your business into the future.

By altilia on May 6, 2024

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The state of AI adoption in businesses: Trends and Insights

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By turning this unstructured information into structured, actionable insights, NLP is enabling businesses to tap into previously underutilized data sources, leading to better decision-making and more personalized customer experiences. Moreover, advancements in NLP, particularly with the rise of transformer models like BERT and GPT, have dramatically improved machines' ability to understand context and nuance in language. This has opened up new possibilities for more natural human-computer interactions, from more accurate machine translation to AI-powered content creation and, as NLP continues to evolve, its integration with other AI technologies like computer vision and sentiment analysis is creating even more powerful tools for businesses.    Open-source LLMs: The adoption of open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) is rapidly gaining momentum in the business world. According to the State of Data + AI report, 76% of companies using LLMs are choosing open-source options, often alongside proprietary models. This shift is driven by several key factors: Customization and Control: Open-source LLMs allow businesses to fine-tune models to their specific needs and industry requirements. Cost-effectiveness: These models offer a more affordable solution, especially for smaller businesses or those new to AI. Transparency and Trust: The ability to inspect the code builds trust, crucial for regulated industries. Rapid Innovation: Open-source communities drive fast-paced improvements and new features. Flexibility in Deployment: On-premises or private cloud deployment options offer greater control over data and compliance. The report also reveals a preference for smaller models, with 77% of users choosing LLMs with 13 billion parameters or fewer (GPT4 has 1.76 trillion parameters). This indicates a focus on balancing performance with cost and latency. Highly regulated industries are the unexpected AI Pioneers: Contrary to expectations, highly regulated industries such as Financial Services and Healthcare are at the forefront of AI adoption. Financial Services leads in GPU usage, with an 88% growth over six months, indicating a strong commitment to LLM applications. Meanwhile, Healthcare & Life Sciences are among the top adopters of foundation model APIs, leveraging AI for everything from drug discovery to patient care optimization. The reasons are of course mixed: Data Advantage and Necessity: These industries possess vast amounts of valuable data and face complex challenges that AI is well-suited to address. Risk Management and Compliance: AI offers powerful tools for enhancing risk assessment, fraud detection, and streamlining compliance processes, which are critical in regulated environments. 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Cost-Efficiency: Compared to fine-tuning large models, RAG offers a more cost-effective way to customize AI outputs for specific business domains. Improved Compliance: For regulated industries, RAG provides better control over the information sources used by AI, aiding in compliance efforts. Scalability: As businesses grow, RAG can easily incorporate new data sources, allowing AI systems to evolve with the company. Preservation of Proprietary Knowledge: RAG allows companies to leverage their own data assets without exposing this information during model training. To know more about how Altilia is leading the development and implementation of personalized RAG solutions, read this article.   Conclusion: The experimentation of AI in businesses is well underway, with applications spanning from improved efficiency to enhanced customer experiences. While challenges remain, particularly around consumer trust and ethical considerations, the potential benefits of AI are tangible. 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AI co pilot Altilia

The Impact of AI copilots on Modern businesses: Benefits and Precautions

Imagine writing an email in 20 seconds instead of 20 minutes, completing hours of research in a fraction of the time, or automatically receiving a full summary of a long meeting. These scenarios showcase the potential of AI assistants, or copilots, integrated into your workflow. With these tools, you simply tell the copilot what to do, right in the flow of your work. But is this too good to be true?   What is an AI copilot?  You might be familiar with copilots in the context of aviation, assisting the captain during flights. Recently, the concept of a "copilot" has gained more traction in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). Imagine incorporating the generative AI technology from apps like ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude into your daily workflow. That is your AI copilot. At its core, an AI copilot is an AI assistant designed to help you complete routine tasks more efficiently. Using large language models (LLMs), it facilitates natural, human-like conversations, assisting users with a wide range of tasks. Examples include the AI copilot developed by Microsoft for its Office suite.   How does an AI copilot work?  AI copilots are powered by fundamental components known as copilot actions. A copilot action can cover a single task or a collection of tasks specific to a particular job. These tasks might include: Updating a CRM record. Generating product descriptions using existing CRM data. Composing messages to customers. Handling various use cases. Summarizing transcripts for a live service agent. Highlighting the most relevant information from meeting notes.   These tasks can be "invoked" or executed in any order, autonomously managed by the AI copilot. The ability to understand requests, devise a plan of action, and carry out the necessary tasks is what sets these systems apart. The AI copilot learns and improves with each action, becoming more capable over time. When combined, these actions enable your copilot to perform a vast array of business tasks. For instance, an AI copilot can assist a service agent in quickly resolving a customer overcharge issue or help a lawyer to spot the right strategy to use.   The challenges of implementing a copilot Despite their promise, many businesses are struggling to implement and use copilots efficiently. Why is this happening? 1. The Data Dilemma At the heart of the challenge lies data quality. Many organizations find their existing data outdated, inconsistent, or inaccurate. This leads to AI assistants providing unreliable or outdated answers. For instance, an AI tool might deliver 2023 data when asked about 2024 figures, or fail to correctly identify a company's executive team. A high-profile example is McDonald's collaboration with IBM to automate ordering using AI. The project, tested in 100 restaurants, was eventually abandoned due to the inherent difficulty of Ai in understanding voice commands (therefore, the input data). This decision highlights the gap between the technology's potential and its current limitations. 2. The Costly Clean-up To address these issues, companies are embarking on extensive data clean-up efforts. This process involves validating and refining incoming data, creating records and databases free of contradictions or duplicates. While necessary, this task is proving more time-consuming and resource-intensive than anticipated. 3. Reliability and learning curve AI sometimes makes things up, and we call this "hallucinating." This happens because of how AI is built. AI learns to write by predicting what words should come next, based on what it has seen before. It doesn't really understand what it's saying - it's just making good guesses. Think of it like a very advanced autocomplete on your phone, but for whole sentences and ideas. Sometimes, this leads to mistakes or false information. Even as GenAI gets better, it will probably still make these mistakes sometimes. That's why it's important for people to double-check what AI produces to make sure it's correct and makes sense. Another hurdle is the complexity of effectively "prompting" these AI assistants. Users often struggle to provide sufficient context for their queries, leading to suboptimal responses. Even sophisticated tools like Microsoft's copilot don't inherently know which data sources to prioritize for specific questions. 4. Lack of scalability AI co-pilots are designed to act as personal productivity assistants. However, they aren't well-suited for industrial applications. In industrial settings, processes need to be carried out on a large scale, with reliable results and minimal human supervision. Co-pilots, as they currently exist, don't meet these requirements for industrial use, where efficiency and consistency at scale are crucial   Streamlining AI Implementation To face these challenges, new solutions are emerging. copilots solutions like Altilia's are designed to address the core issues that afflict traditional copilots implementations: 1. Harmonization and Data Quality Improvement: Altilia’s platform excels in managing diverse, unstructured data from various sources automatically, significantly reducing the need for manual preparation and ensuring seamless data integration. The platform classifies content, extracts precise data and metadata, and maintains relevance without constant intervention, ensuring high-quality data is readily available. 2. Smart Data Organization for Smarter AI Assistants By organizing data into comprehensive knowledge graphs, Altilia makes it easier to create enriched records that AI assistants can access and utilize for pertinent, up-to-date information, thereby enhancing their accuracy and efficiency. 3. Improved reliability by Business-Specific Customization The platform trains AI models to learn domain specific knowledge, within unique business contexts. This allows AI assistants to answer company-specific questions, with superior relevance and effectiveness, ensuring that each AI assistant is tailored to meet the distinct needs of the organization. 4. Result Transparency Altilia accelerates the implementation of AI assistants in the workplace, providing a transparent platform that always allows to review answers and results, tracing back data in the context of its original source, promoting trust and understanding among users. 5. Scalability for enterprise applications Altilia’s solution manages entire business processes from beginning to end. Altilia’s Co pilot is both reliable and flexible, allowing for easy control and monitoring of results and responses generated by AI models. This approach facilitates the seamless integration of AI into large-scale operations, addressing the need for dependable automation in complex business environments.   Looking Ahead It's clear that AI copilot features and capabilities will continue to expand. We're moving from manually entering data and clicking through screens to simply making requests in natural language, with copilots promptly retrieving relevant information from business meetings or internal documents While implementing AI work assistants has proven more challenging than expected, solutions addressing data quality, structure, and relevance offer a path forward. As these technologies evolve, we can anticipate more seamless integration of AI assistants, leading to the productivity gains and insights that businesses are eagerly awaiting.

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